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Shenzhen Holds Global Investment Conference on December 15


Shenzhen is about to hold the 2021 Global Investment Promotion Conference to attract more investment from all over the world.

International Garment and Consumer Goods Digital Expo Successfully Held


The “International Garment and Consumer Goods Digital Expo”, hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, was successfully held from December 1 to 3. More than 240 China domestic high-quality enterprises from Zhejiang, Guangdong, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Shandong were selected to participate in the exhibition. The exhibition gathered professional buyers from Italy, France, Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany and other European countries online. The exhibits covered shoes, bags and related accessories, daily consumer goods and other products.

China Pharmaceutical Raw Materials (Europe) Digital Expo Successfully Held


The “China Pharmaceutical Raw Materials (Europe) Digital Expo”, hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, was successfully held from December 1 to 3. More than 20 China domestic high-quality enterprises were selected to participate in the exhibition. The exhibition gathered professional buyers from Italy, the United Kingdom, Germany and other European countries online. The exhibits covered bulk pharmaceutical raw materials, plant and animal extracts, pharmaceutical auxiliaries, fine chemicals, intermediates, cosmetic ingredients, contract customization, preparations

China Pharmaceutical Raw Materials (Europe) Digital Expo Opening Online


On December 1, the "China Pharmaceutical Raw Materials (Europe) Digital Expo", hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of The People’s Republic of China is officially opening on the online platform. Using the digital exhibition platform, Chinese and Italian enterprises share trade online.

International Garment and Consumer Goods Digital Expo Opening Online


On December 1, the "International Garment and Consumer Goods Digital Expo", hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of The People’s Republic of China is officially opening on the online platform. Using the digital exhibition platform, Chinese and International enterprises share trade online.

China Eastern Airlines ospita uno incontro online tra le Gen Z cinesi e italiane


Le Gen Z cinesi e italiane si sono incontrate da vicino in occasione di un’attività di scambio online tenuta da China Eastern Airlines (CEA) il 24 novembre.

International Garment and Consumer Goods Digital Expo will open in 1st December


In order to help Chinese foreign trade companies break through the epidemic barriers and quickly match supply and demand with global buyers, promote China and Italy economic and trade and capacity cooperation. Hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of The People’s Republic of China, organized by Beijing Leading International Business & Exhibition Co., Ltd, the International Garment and Consumer Goods Digital Expo will kick off on December 1st.Up to now, the work of exhibitors registration has been fully promoted. More than 240 Chinese brand trade companies have been selected to sign up to particip

China Pharmaceutical Raw Materials (Europe) Digital Expo will open in 1st December


In order to help Chinese foreign trade companies break through the epidemic barriers and quickly match supply and demand with buyers from Europe countries, promote China and Europe economic and trade and capacity cooperation. Hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of The People’s Republic of China, organized by Beijing Leading International Business & Exhibition Co., Ltd, the China Pharmaceutical Raw Materials (Europe) Digital Expo will kick off on December 1st.Up to now, the work of exhibitors registration has been fully promoted. More than 20 Chinese brand trade companies have been selected to s

I think tank cinesi e italiani rilasciano un rapporto di ricerca sulla neutralità del carbonio nell’aviazione civile


I think tank cinesi e italiani e il portale di notizie cinese Global Times Online hanno tenuto il 15 novembre un evento virtuale per rilasciare un rapporto di ricerca sul raggiungimento del picco e della neutralità del carbonio nel settore dell’aviazione civile tra Cina e Italia.

Metaverse is a Hot Concept, and DiDimessage will be the Connector in the Future World


Zuckerberg holds his annual Connect conference on October 28 at Facebook's Silicon Valley headquarters. During the meeting, Zuckerberg announced that Facebook would change its name to "Meta" and that it would invest $100 billion in metaverse in 2022. And that the company's stock code would change from "FB" to "MVRS" from December 1. A new name, Meta, and a new LOGO similar to the "Infinity" symbol were born, marking the opening of a new era of the metaverse that belonged to Zuckerberg.

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Israele, 'oggi colpiti 1.100 obiettivi di Hezbollah'

Gallant, Nasrallah è rimasto solo

'Espelliamoli tutti', la polizia indaga sui cori alla festa Afd

Mattarella ai giovani, ragazzi pensate in proprio

Netanyahu ai libanesi, 'lasciate le zone degli attacchi'

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